Zako Fight

One of my latest games that I decided to try selling. It's certainly an interesting endeavor, I'll say...

Hosted here:
Demo Here 

With a big thanks to bomb(the admin) for helping me out with this. Also a shout to my beta testers, who were also a significant help.

This game has had (and continues to have a bit) somewhat of a rough rap, do to my(as some might say) unorthodox methods of releasing it.(Horrible demo on first release, game too short, not starting with dlsite option, etc.)

Game Updated: December 15th, 2013
Extra Note: All you need to do to get the newest version is run version 1.3. You shouldn't need anything that came with previous versions.

Okay, so here's the deal. I'm planning to make the next update to this game very integral. So much so that once it's done, I will request that the price be raised. If between now and that time, the game is not pirated in a compromising way, then the next update shall still be absolutely free to everyone who has already bought the game.

Thanks again to everyone who has shown me support so far.
Next Update: TBA


  1. Grats on the updated release! Long time in the making!

  2. Wait, is this finished? I was thinking about getting this since I heard the demo is basically the old game, so I'm assuming the one we can buy is a more touched up version. Will updating be a hassle or should I just wait until December or something?

  3. Nice game, will the next update include other animations?

  4. So, any way for those of us who purchased this game on your first demo release to get this update without paying another 5$ or whatever your price may be ?

    1. Yes. Simply send me an e-mail with whichever e-mail you bought the game with.

  5. Cool game!)) I - girl from russia!))
    so! Very nice idea, of change focus!

  6. I love this game
    the gameplay is quite fun and the caught-sex scenes are just stunning! <3

  7. Is there any way to save level progress between updates? Starting over from level 0 is a bit of a pain.

    1. The level should remain as long as you're careful with the cache that is part of your temporary internet files. That's what flash uses to save information.

  8. Any information on the next update to this game?

  9. can i have 1.40 ver demo? im not wont to full ver, just demo i hope ;_;

  10. i've been thinking, about buying this per paypal but on the bill says v1.0
    and the game seams to be v1.4
    is this some kind of bug or a rip off?

    1. You will get the latest version once you buy from the site and all future updates are free. There are no tricks or strings attached. If there is somehow a problem with your purchase, just e-mail me.

  11. exscuse me I bought the game and its not letting me download it is the link broken?
    my email is

  12. I bought this game awhile back then had to reinstall my windows. is there any way i can get another link to the download

  13. when will the 1.5 update?
    hope add more rape animation
    this game is awesome

  14. Any chance you might have a save file with the cg mode unlocked

  15. Guide, haven't been able to get a hold of you via email in like a billion years lol. Do you know what could be the problem with Zako fight where you load it up and it just sticks on "Now Loading" forever and never comes out? Haven't been able to play in a really long time cuz of that...

    1. Sorry about the laps in communication. At this rate, I might just have to ask for a new e-mail address. I've sent you a new file for Zako Fight. Has anything about your computer changed lately?

    2. Nope, I learned my lesson about Pirate Tripper long long ago haha. I put it one place then never ever move games that use it anymore. But thanks for the new file, it works like a champ! Yeah, definitely do something bout the email, would love to catch up sometime!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Ah hello. I recently bought the game because it looked interesting to me after trying out the demo. However, after running the Pirate Tripper as instructed, the game still freezes after selecting a character and starting the game. I couldn't find any fixes online and saw a comment to ask you about it, so yeah. Do you have any recommendations on how to fix it?

    1. Yes, I happen to have a similar problem, sadly :(

    2. Same here too just stuck on "Loading..." and nothing after that.

  18. Could you host the demo on a less frustrating site like Dropbox or on the site directly? MEGA is really annoying.

  19. I think PirateTripper's busted. It worked fine a while ago, but now all of a sudden it decided that I didn't purchase the game legally (which I most certainly did). I don't seem to be the only one with this issue, either.

    1. If your computer changes in some significant way, the game will stop working. Just e-mail for a new copy.

  20. Hey man I recently updated the game and it added a new character but whenever I select that character it broke the game any help here?

  21. Have you ever thought of posting an image gallery for all the animations online?

  22. i brought zako fight 1.4 but my game just loading forever... it does not working....
