Tuesday, September 2, 2014

'Close-Ups' Scheme

Well needless to say, there's been a delay with the Lust Knight demo....Come this Thursday, I'll probably just push on with it, but for now let's talk about something else:

Close Ups!

This is still somewhat of a draft, but just saying I'm going to be utilizing the same close-up style that I used in Zako Fight 1.

And that health bar's design's gonna change as well ^^'.


  1. Well I, for one, have always appreciated the close up grapples you first introduced in ZF1. It makes for a different feel for your game. And how can you go wrong with close up sex moves? Hah! Keep up the good work, Guide!

  2. the wait..... the w8 m8 is a gr8 b8 i r8 8/8....for serious tho , i really want that demo ;-; , but ill try not to pressure you Kappa , do it at your own pace and do it right guide :)

    1. "Now let's all just calm the fack down" >:(

      Seriously though, I'm a bit under the wire nowadays. I meant I'd essentially carry on with it this Thursday, didn't mean I'd have it released by Thursday.

      Don't worry, its on its way. >_>

    2. Lol, kinda reminds me of the old loony toons cartoons when Yosemite Sam falls into his own pit of crocodiles and has to beat them back with a club "Down! Down! Down! Back! Back! Back!"

    3. First rule of being a "web artist": never give a precise release date for your product.

      First rule of being a "web customer": never trust a precise release date.

  3. So, I don't wanna be a dick here, but I was wondering, how's the project going? Because I understand if you're busy man, we all are. College, work, other life goals, I get it, truly, I do. I just wanted to hear from you on the game. Because this one looks like a good one.

    1. and it sounds a bit dead at the moment too ^^, I 'd like some updates too! Since the last update was about a release date that hasn't be respected, we can only think bad things happened since then. . ;

  4. Not really a big fan of "in game CloseUps".
    In Zako fight they seriously damaged the gameplay: each time an enemy landed a successful grab, view changed and after the struggle it changed again.
    So when there were a few enemies piling, the game became a frustrating endless button mashing with no possibility to plan a evasive move since you were not able to see from where the next attack would come.

    I'd still prefer to have in-game sprite rape, like past games and LK and to have close-ups as "GameOver/Finish her!" screens (yeah, that will be hot).
